Registration of participants is mandatory. Online registration of participants is open until May 20, 2021.
Registration fee for participants from abroad
Delegates SSED Non-Member - 130 €
Delegates SSED Member - 100 €
Undergraduate Students - 80 €
Online Participants SSED Non-Members - 50 €
Online Participants SSED Members - 40 €
Registration fee for SSED members, non-members and undergraduate students includes:
access to lectures
access to hands-on sessions*
access to exhibitions
coffee breaks
certificate of participation
*Number of participants in hands-on sessions is limited, and filled according to the principle “first come – first served”. During the registration process you will be asked to annotate if you want to participate in particular hands-on session. Registration fee payment along with the expressed will to participate in hands-on session provide reservation of a seat at particular session.
Registration fee for online participants includes:
access to online lectures
access to a virtual exhibition
access to an e-program
certificate of participation.
Note: It is necessary to register online before paying the registration fee.

Plaćanje preko računa
Uskoro i plaćanje karticom
ČLANOVI UESS - Uplatite sumu od 6.500 din. na tekući račun udruženja broj 170-0030040666000-25.
OSTALI - Uplatite sumu od 8.500 din. na tekući račun udruženja broj 170-0030040666000-25.

Cancellation of attendance at the symposium is done in writing to e-mail: synergy@congrexpo.co.rs under the following conditions:
- No later than May 10, 2021, with a refund of 50% of the registration fee
- After May 11, 2021, without refund
- In the event that SYNERGY 4.0 cannot be maintained due to the COVID-19 situation, participants who have paid the registration fee are entitled to a full refund of the registration fee.
The Health Council of Serbia has accredited the program of the international symposium, "Synergy 4.0" - number 1550/21-II for dentists, specialists in all branches of dentistry, dental technicians, dental nurses (lecturers 10 points, passive participation 6 points).
All additional information can be obtained via e-mail synergy@congrexpo.co.rs or by phone 063-301-043
ORGANIZER OF THE SYMPOSIUM: Association for Aesthetic Dentistry of Serbia
Congrexpo doo
Contact person: Olivera Popović
Phone. +381 63 301 043
Email: synergy@congrexpo.co.rs

Udruženje za estetsku stomatologiju Srbije - UESS
Cvijićeva 38, Belgrade
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